Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Returns

Yay!  Christmas is over!  Not that I don't like Christmas, because I do.  But I am loving being able to go to bed before midnight, and actually having time for myself to do some of the things I need to do.

I admit, I put exercise on the back burner.  I still worked on my posture (its getting better) and I watched what I ate, but exercise was nill.  Something to do with the working on gifts ever second that wasn't dedicated to the kids.  My water consumption went down, but I already have my mug for tomorrow filled and ready to go, so I am excited to get started.  It is 10:30 right now, and I am going to plan my day for tomorrow and then go to sleep.

I got a bunch of really cute shirts at Down East today, and I can't wait to wear them.  They are darling, and will look even better without back fat.  :)

Also, I have just finished nursing Faye.  That means that my body will be losing about 10 lbs from the top.  Finally.  And that makes me ecstatic.

My family is doing a Biggest Loser, and so having that support is awesome.  I am so excited to do this with them.  But since everyone is at different places, we are going to judge it by goals maintained rather than weight lost.  That way it encourages a lifestyle change, rather than unhealthy weight loss ideals.

I also am going to get back into the 12 Steps program.  One step a month shouldn't be too hard, right?  I know I can do it, and since I am being more careful with the budget, I will be able to afford the vegetables I am trying to make.

My goal this week is still posture, and water, but I am going to add smaller portions to it.  And I will step on the scary scale tomorrow when I get up to exercise.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I was doing really well last week (or was it two weeks ago?  I lost track of time).  I only ate healthy foods, and Jeffrey has been coming home from work 2 full hours earlier, so we have been eating two full hours earlier.  That makes me happy.  However, we had friends over on Wednesday.  I made a bean dip which I was very good at not dipping into.  I also made a spinach dip which I was not so good at staying out of.  I was just too darn tasty!  I need to remember that nothing tastes as good as thin feels.  I really need to remember that.  Thursday was a bad day for one reason or another, I forget, and I got depressed Friday and Saturday... well, getting out of a junkie habit is hard to do, and falling into it is simple.  Needless to say, I fell out of my determination.  It was sad. 

But the great thing about this life is no matter how many times you mess up, you can always start over again and try to do better.  So, I am doing just that.

As I had said before, while I was pregnant with Keith, I gained 60 lbs.  But I lost a good amount.  I was back down to 160 before I got pregnant again.  With Faye, I have not lost so much weight.  Examining what I did in the past, I decided I can just copy those things.  For starters, I signed up with SparkPeople.  A free diet website.  It tracks food eaten, drinks consumed, exercise, has lots of helpful articles, exercises etc. to follow.  I also did 10 minutes of Tae Bo every day.  It wasn't much, but by doing those two simple things, I was able to lose the weight.  When I stopped doing those things, I stopped losing the weight.

I have not been very happy with myself.  I mean, I love being me.  Who wouldn't?  (was that too cocky?) At the same time, I think there is a little too much of me.  I have been into simplifying my life lately. I think that should include simplifying my waist as well.  So, the thing I am going to work on the most this next month is my abs.  I used to have awesome posture.  I used to be able to hold my stomach in all the time.  It was a subconscious effort.  Now, I have to consciously hold it in, but most of the time just don't.  I figure the difference is muscle.  If my ab muscles are stronger, then it will be easier to hold the tummy in, which will also improve my posture.  I used to have really good posture, too.  I had babies and lost it.  I want that back.  But, I can't eat an elephant in one sitting, so I am going to work on things individually.  More crunches.

I just read an article on midday crashes.  The article said one of the best ways to combat that is to have a good morning routine.  It said to wake up naturally (which is easy, I do that anyway, or the kids wake me up).  Take your time letting alertness flow through your body into your limbs, and digits.  Pretend you are a cat waking up.  Stretch.  Slowly get out of bed.  Stretch.  Do 5-10 minutes of exercise.  Slowly turn on lights throughout the house until all the lights you see are on.  Eat a good breakfast.  If possible, do a fun 30 minute exercise routine.  Actually, I added that last one in, but I would like to be able to do that.  Also, it said to get up at the same time every time.  That will help your body adjust.

This coming week that is what I will work on.  I will be in bed by 10:30 every night.  My bed-time routine will begin at 9:00 otherwise I wont make it.  I will do the whole bathroom thing first.  Then  I will write in my journal (blog, whatever), do 100 crunches, 10 minutes of yoga, read my scriptures, plan for the next day, say my prayers, and then go to sleep.

I will wake up by 6:30 every morning.  I am not going to do much more than work on my nightly routine right now.  I know if I give myself too much to work on, I will burn out.  Baby steps, right?  I figure once I get the night routine down, it will be a lot easier to get the morning one figured out. 

In the positive speaking role right now, I have been making a lot of progress.  I have posted up around my house and on my computer the words "I weigh 160 lbs" since that is my baby goal right now.  I see it often.  I see that and smile, and know that it is attainable., seeing it often helps me a lot.  I am going to make a sign to frame and post on the fridge door that says "nothing tastes as good as thin feels."  That should help me with my emotional and boredom eating, since I sure do a lot of both.

I am trying to remember the sacredness of the body, and that it is a temple for my spirit.  By remembering that, it makes me want to take better care of my self.  My body does not need the toxins and extra weight I am giving it.  Just like a car gets ruined if you add too much oil to it, a person gets ruined if there is too much fat and grease and oil added to them.

So, as a recap: My body is a temple.  Positive words. Nightly routine. Crunches/abs.  I think that is enough for me to work on for now.  I am going to be brave and weigh myself again for next weeks post.