Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am a little bit thrilled right now.

I weighed myself this morning and have lost 5 pounds since Monday.  It is most likely water weight, but I am happy nonetheless.  I was 178 Monday morning, and now I am 173.  Yay!

But that is not the most important thing.  The most important thing is this motivation to eat better.  Not eat better as in foods (though that is there as well), but to have better quality of food, and less quantity.  I am very aware of what I am putting into my body lately.  And I feel great.  I feel a little thinner, I feel happier, and I have noticed my self esteem is over the roof right now.

This is the way I rejoice!

I can do this.  I can keep it up.  It isn't so hard, and it feels good to be picky about what I am eating.  It feels very good.  I love this.  Sigh.

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