Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The drumming, drumming, drumming.

I know that this blog started out to help me stay motivated, and to track my weight loss.  However, I decided that I am going to begin posting again, but for a completely different reason.

I have had chronic migraines/headaches as long as I can remember.  They are crippling.  The pain makes me physically sick, bringing about vertigo and nausea.  It really inhibits me from being able to go about my daily practices.  I hate it!  It has got to stop, because it really gets in the way of all the things I want to do as a wife and mother.

And so, while I have been battling this ridiculous headache today (caused, I believe, by tension in my shoulders and lack of sleep, but who knows, really), I have been brainstorming on things that could be triggering the pain, and things I can do to help eliminate them.

Obviously, there is the whole lack of sleep aspect.  I know that this greatly contributes to my head pain.  It is something I am working on, but being such a light sleeper, it is really hard to control.

I remember back to when I was exercising regularly.  I had far less headaches then.

I have been told that eliminating sugar could possibly help.

When I was pregnant with Keith I was (self-diagnosed) hypoglycemic.  I began following a hypoglycemic diet and nearly eradicated the headaches.

These changes aren't going to be easy.  Because I am not getting enough sleep, I find it very hard to wake up early in the morning to exercise, and quite frankly, that is really the only time I have available for exercising.  But I think if I don't take time for me aka make time to exercise, these headaches will only get more frequent and more intense, so I am going to have to prioritize and forget about cleaning while the baby is asleep and just dedicate that time to exercise.

As for the sugar:  well, it is coming up on my favorite month.  There are 5 family birthdays in October (mine included), lots of candy corn and mellocreme pumpkins, which are my absolute favorite!  Not to mention Halloween.

I am going to begin slowly, like I did before when I was off sugar.  I will begin getting rid of the HFCS and slowly work up from there.

This is going to be an incredibly difficult process, of which I am aware, but after having a migraine or headache every single day this week, I have decided I can't take it anymore and something must be done to stop them.  I cannot function in my normal life, not to mention my church callings with the consistent pain.

And so, I am resurrecting this old dusty blog and rather than focusing on weight loss (which I should be doing as well, but am not going to do because I can only have so many things on my plate), I am going to dedicate this (or at least this portion) to regaining control over my life and fighting back from the pain.

 When I figure out an exact plan, I will post it. Until then, brainstorm with me.

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