Sunday, May 1, 2011


I seem to have disappeared.  Sorry about that.

Friday night we learned that we have two weeks to be moved, so I am a little stressed.

Our friend has been deployed overseas for the past year, and we have been house-sitting.   We always knew the day would come, and that it would be sometime in May, but we never knew exactly when.  Now, we are gearing up for the move.  Well, I am anyway.  Jeffrey is studying for a big test for school that he will be taking on Thursday. 

That translates into me having to do a lot of the packing.  We have use of a truck and trailer on Saturday, so we need to have a lot of our things packed up so the big things and big boxes can be moved.  And there is mostly just me to do it.  A little stressed?  Why yes, yes I am.

So, suffice it to say, I will not be focusing on any weight loss goals right now.  I will be focused on moving and that is basically it.  I do have big hopes for the future though.  I have my kick-awesome yoga video that has been hard for me to do on the wood floors.  Some of the poses put a lot of pressure on my knee, and the hard wood floors have been killing me!  So, moving in with my inlaws will give me carpet to yoga on.  And they have a nice 5 mile hike right by their house.  Within walking distance of their house, actually.  And a park with a track around it that is marked to be .5 miles.  So, I can go running there and measure my distance.

See, good things (I hope) are in store.

But, again, I will be gone most likely until the 15th, which is the day our friend gets home.

Good luck to all of you on your journey!  I hope when I come back everyone is at least 2 pounds lighter!

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