Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Skinny State of Mind

Things are finally feeling right.  Finally.

I learned a long time ago, that I have to be in the right mind set to get anything done.

For example, my house is messy right now.  I have laundry that needs putting away, toys that need picking up and dishes that need washing.  Yet because I am in the blogging/journaling mind set, not one of those things is getting done.

I am getting some good journaling time in, though, so that is good.

When I was in HS I went into serious weight loss mode.  The sad thing is I didn't really have any weight to lose, so I lost about 30 pounds and was very underweight.  I blame the media and friends.

When I went to college I got back that 30 pounds and stayed right there (that was 135).  A healthy weight for me.  I was that weight until I got pregnant, and, like I said, I ballooned up.  I have tried and tried since then to lose the weight, but although it was important to me, I could never quite get into the mindset and so I tried and failed and tried and failed.

Now, that mind set has come.


And so this isn't a chore to me now.  I am drinking loads of water each day (starting yesterday).  I figure I need about 87 ounces of water a day.  I have had to go to the bathroom so much lately, but that is because the toxins are being cleaned out of my body.  And that is good news.  I have been wanting to eat healthily.  For breakfast yesterday and today I had a small bowl of Kix cereal.  For lunch today I had a few multi grain crackers and a large bowl of salad and avocados.  For dinner I am going to make some garlic spiked broccoli and rice.  I have not been snacking out of boredom or for any other reason.

I have been out shoveling the walk, which I love that it counts as good exercise.  Keith has been asking to do yoga with me, so that also helps me get in gear that way.  Things are finally starting to work out.  I don't want sweets.  Which is odd, because I have an incredible sweet tooth.  I am just happy that my mindset has finally come.  I have to make cookies for my visiting teaching sisters today, and I know that part will be put to the test, but again, the mind set.  I want to be thin and to feel good, so it doesn't matter.  I will make peanut butter cookies just to be on the safe side, though.

And now, my cleaning mindset (inspired by a baby climbing all over the computer) has kicked in.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Hurray for mindset! Yes! See and Feel your outcome everyday now! You can do it!