Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Returns

Yay!  Christmas is over!  Not that I don't like Christmas, because I do.  But I am loving being able to go to bed before midnight, and actually having time for myself to do some of the things I need to do.

I admit, I put exercise on the back burner.  I still worked on my posture (its getting better) and I watched what I ate, but exercise was nill.  Something to do with the working on gifts ever second that wasn't dedicated to the kids.  My water consumption went down, but I already have my mug for tomorrow filled and ready to go, so I am excited to get started.  It is 10:30 right now, and I am going to plan my day for tomorrow and then go to sleep.

I got a bunch of really cute shirts at Down East today, and I can't wait to wear them.  They are darling, and will look even better without back fat.  :)

Also, I have just finished nursing Faye.  That means that my body will be losing about 10 lbs from the top.  Finally.  And that makes me ecstatic.

My family is doing a Biggest Loser, and so having that support is awesome.  I am so excited to do this with them.  But since everyone is at different places, we are going to judge it by goals maintained rather than weight lost.  That way it encourages a lifestyle change, rather than unhealthy weight loss ideals.

I also am going to get back into the 12 Steps program.  One step a month shouldn't be too hard, right?  I know I can do it, and since I am being more careful with the budget, I will be able to afford the vegetables I am trying to make.

My goal this week is still posture, and water, but I am going to add smaller portions to it.  And I will step on the scary scale tomorrow when I get up to exercise.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Trish said...

That is so cool that your family is doing that together. What an amazing opportunity for support!