Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Blessed Curse or The Cursed Blessing

Ooch.  The holidays were not good to my waist line.
I thought I was doing well saying no to the goodies, but evidently, I didn't.  I gained 5 lbs.  But not to be discouraged, I have been reading, and researching, and am excited to begin anew.

To start off with, Happy New Year! 

I love this time of year. It is a great time for cleansing and renewal.  It is clean and fresh, and ready for us to make our mark on it.

I decided to start the 12 Steps to Whole program again.  I have been doing my reading, and studying.  I think I am ready.  I love this program because it is simple, and comprehensive, and gradual.  It doesn't ask you to change all your habits all at once.  It asks you to change one or two things at a time.  For January it asks that you stop drinking soda, and start drinking a green smoothie everyday instead.  I can do that!  Also to start drinking 8-16 cups of water a day.  I have begun that, and feel so much better.  I used to never want water.  Really.  I could go for a few days without a drink of water.  Then I started to drink it more, but winter time I always stopped.  Cold water when one is already cold is not a good idea, I thought.  But I am always thirsty now!  Which is a good thing, because all the toxins are being cleaned out of my body, I don't want sweets, and I am not as hungry.  Who would have thought?!

I also had a blessing in disguise which I am somewhat excited about.

When I first got married, it was very rocky for us.  I would get home from work, pull out a cook book, then curl up on the floor because the pain in my head was too much to bear.  I would find a recipe, make dinner, put the dishes in the sink, and then when dinner was over, I would crawl to bed.  Usually around 7:30 or 8:00.  It really took a toll on Jeffrey.  He was not prepared to have a constantly sick wife.  We went to several different doctors.  They all said I was having migraines.  I told them I did not see an aura, and I didn't think it was a migraine, but they didn't listen.  Finally, one day I was talking with my brother who is a doctor.  He said I might be hypoglycemic.  I looked into it.  I bought a book on it.  My symptoms matched up.  I began to follow the diet, and my headaches cleared up.   Though I was never actually tested, I believe I was hypoglycemic.  I got the shakey jitters, I got the headaches, everything when I ate sugar or white flour foods.  When I didn't, I was fine.

Over the past few days, that headache came back.  I have spent a lot of time in bed as I cannot cope with the pain.  I noticed it was always worse shortly after eating something I know is not good for my body.  So, now, while some people would curse this, be upset about it, I rejoice.  I have very poor self control.  Especially if it is for my waist line.  I enjoy food too much.  However, if I know that what I am eating is going to effect my body so much, cause me so much pain, it is a lot easier to say no.  Whereas gaining weight isn't as instantaneous, so I have a hard time saying no to that.  At any rate, I suspect the hypoglycemia is back, and I count it as a blessing. 

Now I just need to sit down, set some long term and short term goals, and I will be on my way!

1 comment:

Trish said...

I remember you telling me this story before. I was just listening to Carol Tuttle's radio show and she mentioned about how this year is a great year to bring our relationships into harmony. That includes our relationship with ourselves.
I read your post and am thinking that the bottom line for you is your relationship with yourself. Let the words "I completely love and accept myself" flow through your mind throughout the day. You might also choose to add "and I forgive myself for _______....and I know I am worthy of love- my love, God's love, parent's love, spouse's love, etc. "
This is something you can overcome and be completely victorious at! You go girl!