Friday, January 7, 2011


I think it is important to celebrate every single success.
I have lost 2.6 lbs since last week!
So excited about this.
I have not had any sugar (okay, once I had a bite of Keith's rice krispy treat), no fast food (except the once when Jeffrey bought pizza.  But it was Papa Murphy's pizza, take and bake which means slightly healthier than something like Little Ceasar's, right  Okay justification, I know), and lots of water.  Nearly 16 cups a day.  I just can't seem to get enough of it, which is weird because I used to hate water.  It made me feel sick. 
I have been having a large salad nearly every day, and I remember how butter was my best friend?  I haven't even used any for about three weeks now.  Not even on my toast.  I use coconut oil in place of butter.
The thing that I need to step up is my exercise.  I mean, really.  I do yoga each night (well, the ones where I go to bed at a descent hour) and that about does it for my exercise. 
Idealy, I would get up around 6:00 and exercise while the kids are still asleep, but I find that when 6:00 comes around, I have a very hard time getting out of bed.  Regardless of how early I go to bed
And the blasted headache which I have had since last Wednesday is really getting old.  I can't seem to shake it.  I can't figure out what could possibly be causing it.  I thought it was sugar detox, but I don't think so anymore.  I don't even crave sugar.  It isn't even a temptation for me anymore.  I am getting enough sleep, I am eating healthy (no greasy foods, no simple carbs ie white flour), I am drinking enough water.  I have no idea what else could be causing it.  I am not under stress, my life is pretty darn happy.  Well, aside from the hurting head. 
All in all, I am awfully pleased, and very motivated to continue on with this lifestyle.

In other news, I figured out something a little funny yesterday.  I have shifted to be somewhat vegan.  I know, weird.  I never thought I would be vegan.  The only way I am not is I eat eggs and fish.  But I don't eat dairy anymore.  So no meat (aside from fish and eggs) and no dairy is somewhat vegan.  But I confess, I still eat honey.  I know many vegans stay away from honey because they believe it exploits the bees, and it is cruel, but I know that the source of my honey is very humane, and there is no exploitation.  My dad is a bee keeper, and gives me all the honey I could possibly want.  Lucky girl, I know.  :)

So, here is to a very happy and successful week!  Wish me luck that I can kick that exercise in the rear!


Trish said...

Congratulations on your victories! I know you will have more to share in the rapidly approaching future! I am enthusiastic about your outcomes made manifest!
My vegan friends call themselves "bee-gans" HA HA! Bee pollen is a superfood and local raw honey is loaded with nutrients! I once found this honey at a farmer's market that was so delicious I would eat it by itself and feed it to Parker! I just knew it was really good for us! I'm on a journey to find it again and buy a lot!

Jenny said...

Great work!!!!! It is so hard to avoid sugar because it is in EVERYTHING. It does seem to make a huge difference for me when I cut all sugar out of my diet - I feel so much better physically when I do.

alpinekleins said...

Just discovered this and sooooo much fun. I can totally relate to all and I'll be back soon for more inspiration :)
