Monday, February 21, 2011

Catch 22

It has been a long time since I have been here.  Not because I haven't wanted to, but because of this blasted bronchitis.  Someone has been sick in this house since the beginning of this month.  Really.  February first Jeffrey began with a flu and it has just spiraled out of control since then.  And I am sure the kids are going to get sick from me.  The poor things, because this is miserable!  I dread the day they get it.

So, this means Jeffrey is on cooking duty.

I love it when I don't have to cook.

However, when Jeffrey cooks, it means we get take out of something.  Fast food.  Greasy.  Fatty.

A week's worth of that.  Not working very well with the wanting to be healthy.

Which is funny, because eating junk is certainly not going to help anyone get better.  But I am not feeling up to cooking, so Jeffrey decides to do it, and then continues the viscious cycle.

It is a catch 22.

Whatever that means.

I think tomorrow I am going to try just a little harder to make something healthy.

I do have bouts of feeling good.

During one of those bouts, I am going to get a good soup going.  Something hearty.  Full of beans, lentils, and really yummy vegetables.  It is going to be incredibly tasty and healthy.

And that, my friends, is how I am going to beat this thing.  And make Jeffrey so much happier.  His wallet is getting tired of making dinner.

Here's to getting health back into my home!

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