Sunday, February 6, 2011

Miracle Pill

I won the book Miracle Pill, and have been loving it!  So full of insight.  And the author really knows her stuff.  I honestly don't know where my fascination with nutrition came, but I really do love it. 

Jeffrey gave me the Richard Simmons Sweatin to the Oldies.  So fun!  Only problem is Faye wont let me work out.  She likes to be held and paid attention to at all moments.  Silly girl.

I am still dedicated, but am still having difficulty with exercise.  More so the desire to exercise.  It doesn't help that I have been sick lately.  I am hoping to get over that soon, so I can get back to trying to exercise.  Hopefully it will be extremely soon.

Being sick.  Blah.
Not exercising.  Blah!

But, I am very happy to report that my tummy is getting smaller!  Sweet.

1 comment:

alpinekleins said...

Yay! Way to go, the author is a friend of mine and so darling. Can't wait to read it myself :)
